The Terrible Effects of Smoking During Pregnancy
There are so many dangers to your unborn child if you are smoking during pregnancy. If you are smoking now it will be better for your baby if you quit now.
There will be many positive health benefits for you and you will feel so much better. You have to be committed and just do it.
There are many hidden dangers to smoking while you are pregnant.
The worst case scenario of smoking while pregnant is causing the death of your child. SIDS is more common in children exposed to the dangers of second hand smoke.
A child under the age of one who dies for no apparent cause is the victim of SIDS. This is obviously an extreme risk to take as a pregnant mother.
We believe more smoking mothers would harder to quit smoking if they were more educated and aware of the risks associated with their smoking.
Birth defects ranging from cleft palate or cleft lip or both can be caused by smoking while pregnant.
Both are considered birth defects and either one or both are more possible in your baby due to the mother smoking while pregnant.
Birth defects can have negative effects on the development of your child before and after birth. There are tremendous obstacles your child will have to overcome in life.
There are a host of possibilities, and all of them negative, when a pregnant mother smokes during pregnancy. If you break down the culprits you will find that cigarette smoking is a major one
Nicotine constricts blood vessels when it is present in the blood, this happens to the baby as well. There is less oxygen in the blood due to reduced blood flow.
By smoking during pregnancy you decrease blood oxygen to our baby's brain and cardiovascular system. Women who smoke during pregnancy expose their unborn child to several negative effects.
More research needs to be done as there is still much to be learned. But the negative effects of smoking while pregnant are rather clear.
Finding a way to quit smoking is vital for pregnant women. When you think about it, most people do not quit because it is too hard or they are not ready to quit.
We strongly encourage you to do more reading and research on this subject. Talk to your doctor as soon as possible for help with a nicotine addiction, especially if you're pregnant. Read more
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